Animated Videos
2D and 3D animations
designed to enrich
learning experience
Interactive Simulations
Uses latest technology to provide experiences that encouragelearning by doing
Exam Paper Solutions
Solved questions presented
as step-by-step videos for
greater conceptual clarity
Edukite Monitor
A revolutionary product that allows school authorities to monitor usage of the software across platforms

Enriching videos for better learning

Engaged learners make better learners

Learn from the past to build the future

Map the learning
Edukite monitor analyses the usage of the software by teachers and learners across their learning journey. It uses this data to monitor progress by user, grade, school, district and province.

A classroom for teachers
Edukite offers training in content, pedagogy and technology. It addresses the content gap challenges faced by teachers and their practices
on how to integrate the software in day-to-day education.

Initial training for teachers
Edukite trainers train a cohort of teachers at a central venue for using digital content in the classroom. The training programme is aimed at ensuring effective use of teaching time through use of technology.

Continuing Professional Development
Edukite conducts focused group sessions to understand and resolve key problem areas in the curriculum. Every teacher receives a combination of initial training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

Onsite learner interventions
Edukite trainers visit selected schools and provide one day of exclusive training. They schedule several classes during the day with multiple sessions for learners who
need assistance.